Thursday, July 15, 2010

Builde Your Own Andriod Apps with App Inventor

Making apps is a concept that is beyond of many user’s reach due to the secret and very intricate world of programming. Not everyone knows how to code, debug, or compile in order to make a working program. And the vast number of languages available doesn’t make this any easier. Having said this, it seems that Google has jumped to the rescue of potential developers. 
App Inventor and it allows people with 0 programming skills to develop apps for their favorite devices.

This may be the beginning of a whole new era of development for Android devices since there are many people lurking in forums, requesting for apps to be made due to their lack of knowledge in programming. The interface is very user friendly and easy to use. Also, it seems that there may be some requirements for you to use this (such as owning an Android phone). If you feel adventurous enough and have ideas that you would love to make them a reality, then you should definitely check this out.

Head on to App Inventor now! Happy apps-building :)

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