Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Android Taskbar v6

WM 6.5.x
WM 6.5
One of the great advantages of WM OS is the freedom and ease of customization of virtually every aspect in our devices. Most of us search endlessly through this site to get new styles, skins, or designs to personalize our devices. XDA member Dark Ninja presents his work with this nice Android like taskbar for Windows Mobile devices with WVGA (and QVGA) resolutions.

Instructions For A Perfect Installation:
  1. Install SDKCerts.cab
  2. Find out if you are using Wm6.5 or WM6.5.x.. To know this just simply look if your start menu button is placed at the top or bottom. Top=WM6.5 (stock roms) Bottom=WM6.5.X
  3. Choose one of the folowing taskbars that are attached to this post (or extras) which say the version of you choice and the wm6.5 build you are using
  4. Run the cab on your Device
  5. Software Reset (If Volume icon missing (most likely))
  6. Find out if what version of htc volume control you are using
  7. Download "Dark Ninja Volume Fix 19XX-20XX"
  8. Run the cab of the version you are using 19XX or 20XX
  9. Software Reset
Wait caption

Release Name: Dark Ninja Android Taskbar WM6.5.x V6 + % Battery.cab
Size: 1.6 MB
Links: Official Site
Download: Hotfile

Release Name: Dark Ninja Android Taskbar WM6.5 V6 + % Battery.cab
Size: 0.9 MB
Links: Official Site
Download: Hotfile

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